Computer Classes, Courses, Entrepreneurs, Facebook, instagram, Small Business Owners, Social Media, Social Media Consulting, technology, TechSavvyCoach, Twitter, Women in Tech

Social Media Strategies and Tips

It's 2020, time to turn your DREAM into a REALITY! Let us show you techniques and strategies to promote yourself and your small business through social media! Want to create a buzz, attract more customers and grow your business? This hands-on, 2-day course will introduce small business owners and entrepreneurs to the latest trends and… Continue reading Social Media Strategies and Tips

Entrepreneurs, Facebook, LinkedIn/Networking, Small Business Owners, Social Media, Twitter

It’s time to Pivot your Business Strategy

Every day life as we know it has taken a very different turn. With the Coronavirus Pandemic sweeping our world, many if not most businesses are temporarily closed, families are living in quaratine,  people are working remotely or even unemployed...and we can help.  During this new, uncertain time, we have to be smart and learn… Continue reading It’s time to Pivot your Business Strategy